ashar, i can't really talk to you face to face it will be useless n no meaningfull so this is just for you. this is the only way i can show it to you. i'm really sorry to hurt you and leave you just like that and go to the another guy thats in my heart now. we are not meant to be together as theres a block for us to love each other. i'm so sorry. i just want you to forget about me.i'm sorry if we can't be together.and i can't love you no more because my heart is really taken by someone else i hope you can accept the fate.i know he could take care of me.but no matter what just remember you are always in my heart beacause you are brave enough to let out your feeling to me even we know each other just in the short time and cried for me but no matter what our memories i will always rememeber.
ASHAR, maafkanlah aku kerana aku tak bisa temani tidurmu. ASHAR lupakanlah aku jangan pernah lagi kau temui aku. kau lelaki terhebat yang penah singgah dihatiku. kau lelaki yang tegar.aku mohon lupakan aku. sudahlah jangan menangis lagi ku rasa cukup sampai disini mungkin di suatu saat nanti kau temui cinta yang sejati.sudahlah cepat lupakanlah aku.jangan penah ungkit masa lalulku takut kekasihku pun tahu kau penah menhadi sempananku.
hopefully you could accept this. i'm sorry ASHAR.please do take care of yourself don't ever do stupid stuff.acheive what you want to.don't let the sadness stop you from what you want to do.thanks for everything i do appreciate it alot.i'm sorry.